A Belated Toast to Love and New Beginnings 🥂

A Belated Toast to Love and New Beginnings 🥂

Hello Reader,
A Happy Sunday Morning,

In the spirit of love, which I hold as my most cherished emotion and dream, I find it only fitting to reach out to you now—post-Valentine’s, rather than with the dawn of the New Year.

After all, what’s a calendar’s turn without a heart full of love to guide us through?

What’s next at “Bliss By Milady A”?

The past weeks have been a whirlwind of activity and excitement as I’ve been laying the groundwork for the next chapter of our journey together through “Bliss By Milady A”.

This new venture is not just a continuation but a profound deepening of the self-care and self-love practices we’ve explored in the ‘Daily Dose of Bliss’.

My mission, as always, is to light the path toward a life where joy, love, and blissful fulfillment are not just dreams but lived experiences.

Signature Talk
“Breaking Free: Self-Love as Key to Bliss”

It’s why I’ve decided to rekindle my passion for speaking, to share the message that anything is possible when we take full responsibility for our happiness and commit to achieving our heart’s desires.

Recently, I had the immense pleasure of delivering my Signature Talk titled “Breaking Free: Self-Love as Key to Bliss” at my favourite women’s club The Nine in Brussels.

It was an opportunity to share my journey ‘from darkness to bliss’ and to affirm that with courage, determination, and self-love, transformation is not only possible but inevitable.

Following my 100-minutes Talk, I've penned a more detailed exploration of the concepts shared at The Nine in a blog post.
If you're keen to delve further into the themes of self-love and transformation, I invite you to follow the link below this newsletter for a deeper dive into “Breaking Free: Self-Love as Key to Bliss.”

Available for Speaking Engagements

Moreover, if you're inspired by the idea of bringing this message of empowerment and self-discovery to your organization, club, or group, I would be thrilled to extend the conversation.

I am available for speaking engagements and would love the opportunity to share insights and inspiration on navigating the journey to bliss, regardless of life's challenges.

Please feel free to reach out to invite me as a speaker and together, let's inspire change and foster a deeper connection to self-love and bliss.

Weekly Dose of Bliss

In alignment with our evolving journey, the Daily Dose of Bliss will transition to a weekly infusion of inspiration, arriving in your inbox every Sunday.

This change ensures that you have the perfect weekend reading to nourish your soul and inspire your path to bliss.

Bliss Events & Gatherings

As Bliss By Milady A takes shape, I’ll be sharing more about the enchanting events we have in store:

  • Bliss Interlude - 1/2 day
  • Bliss Infusion - 2 days
  • Bliss Renaissance - 4 days Retreat abroad

These intimate and exclusive gatherings are designed to awaken, nurture, and celebrate the bliss within each of us, all while infused with my signature touch of glamour, glitter, and glow.

If the allure of these gatherings has already captured your imagination and you're eager to dive deeper into the world of Bliss By Milady A, I warmly invite you to get in touch.

Whether you're intrigued to learn more or ready to be part of this transformative journey, I'm here to welcome you into our circle of bliss seekers.

May your weekend be as blissful as the dreams that dance in your heart.

Until our next encounter, keep the flame of love and the quest for joy brightly burning.

With all my love and an abundance of bliss,

Milady A

Signature Talk:
Breaking Free: Self-Love as the Key to Bliss

Check out my blog for more information!

Copyright © 2024 Bliss By Milady A. All rights reserved.
Our Mailing Address is: De Ghelderodelaan, 1780 Wemmel, Belgium.

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Bliss by Milady A

Permit me to be your navigator on the enchanting journey to Full Bloom Living. This isn’t merely a haven of joy, indulgence, and luxury. It’s an anthem to the authentic self, a celebration of expressive individuality, unmarred by the fear of judgment.

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