A Brand New Sunday Soul-Care Ritual for You

Blissful Sunday morning Reader,

Welcome to the first New Weekly Dose of Bliss!

Consider this your Sunday Soul-Care ritual - a gathering of insights and inspiration to awaken your truest, most vibrant self.

While my previous “Daily Dose of Bliss” notes contained bite-sized ideas to indulge more joy into your everyday, we are going deeper.
Way deeper.

It's time to explore the very essence of what creates lasting happiness and freedom. I will be unveiling my raw, real-life path of excavating immense shadows around loss, grief and trauma to ultimately ascend into the full light of liberation.

This is not a skim-the-surface view.
Together we will dive to the depths of what self-love genuinely signifies beyond bath bombs and massages and analyse the core questions we must ask ourselves if we want to radically transform and thrive.

This is big soul work, and it starts with our Sunday Soul-Care ritual...

Let's begin…

What is Self-Love?

One may wonder...

Is it indulging in a soothing bath, escaping to the spa, or casually practicing meditation from time to time when we feel so inclined?

I'm here to unveil that true self-love runs far deeper than these surface acts of intermittent pampering.

After revealing my journey (in my recent Talk) through profound personal trauma and wrestling with my inner demons for years in order to break free, I still have people share how they are surely practicing self-love already.
Because they attend the occasional yoga class or make a monthly appointment to get their nails done.

On top of that, someone recently told me how thrilled they were to see the “real me” in my talk... because when viewing my Instagram, they only witnessed reflections of bliss - my celebrations, travels, enchanting love.

Both of these perspectives stirred an awareness within me, about the way forward of “Bliss By Milady A”.
I’ll need to unpack my hard-won wisdom from countless angles and perspectives, as each person is unique, with their own triggers and blocks that close them off to confronting deep pain.
Some may still resist facing their darkness, while others yearn for that modeled vulnerability.

So I aim to share the full spectrum of myself - the devastating lows I endured on this journey as well as the luminous highs they cultivated. I cannot only highlight one aspect.
My full authenticity is what enabled my liberation and ascension.

I hold space for people across the continuum - those exploring initial self-care to those ready to unflinchingly excavate their repressed shadows.
My desire is to inspire all to pursue the dreams their soul whispers, no matter where they are starting from today.

When someone rejects hearing about (my) struggle, it reveals how frightening it feels to consider traversing their own. The mere idea of staring down past demons can bring up intense fear of "breaking," of having to admit their brokenness too.

I know this ...because I was once the same.

For 20 agonizing years I did not speak a word about my past anguish to anyone. Not a soul knew of the searing pain I harbored silently within while putting on a facade of productivity and poise.

At just 21 years old, my father made the horrific choice to end his life, forever shifting the course of our family’s destiny. In a nanosecond, the loving dad I idolized perished along with crucial parts of my identity and innocence. I felt shattered, alone, abandoned to pick up the pieces of a now fragmented existence.

In my desperation to survive, I adopted the belief that displaying resilience meant soldiering on solo - choking down oceans of tears and screams begging for release. I convinced myself showing any crack would make me pathetic and weak.

Little did I know each time I silenced and shamed my legitimate grief, I betrayed my soul even more. Over the years I descended into illness and exhaustion from exerting such immense energy to uphold an image of having it all together.

I did not realize the vast difference between surviving and thriving until I later dared to finally surrender. More to come on that.

For now, know this journey to the heart of Self-Love is not about pampering manicures or massages - it lies in courageously reuniting with our True Self buried underneath protective armor.

The first step on this path of authentic reclamation?
Ask yourself:

  • Am I fully living the vibrant life my Inner Being craves?
  • What does my soul truly yearn for that I may be ignoring?

I leave you to reflect on these questions over the next week rather than rush through contemplating such profound inquiry.
Allow whatever wishes to emerge flow through you, perhaps onto paper.
And next time we will dive deeper into how to start manifesting those forgotten dreams...as we walk together from darkness into light… and then to Bliss. ✨

With Love and Bliss,

Milady A ♥️

The metaphor of light entering through cracks and making us shine brighter is reminiscent of the Japanese art of Kintsugi, where broken pottery is repaired with gold or silver lacquer, thus highlighting the beauty in imperfection.
This concept suggests that it is our flaws and brokenness that make us uniquely beautiful and capable of profound growth.

Journaling Prompt: Uncovering Your Soul's Longing

What dreams lie dormant within, simply awaiting your attention? This week's journaling exercise gently guides you to identify desires swept under the rug.

Set a timer for 5 minutes. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and calmly ask yourself:

  • What activities make my spirit soar?
  • How exactly do I wish my life was different a year from now?

Capture any flickers arising without limitation. Allow images, feelings, inner wisdom to flow uncensored. As you boldly give voice to awakening visions, notice what demands transformation within you so they may blossom unobstructed.

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung

  • READ: 100 Small Acts of Love

    Need some inspiration on expressing love and affection?
    Check out this uplifting New York Times article profiling over 1,300 responses to "what small acts of kindness make you feel most loved?"
  • TRY: Compliment Behind Their Back

    Want to spread more love while making someone's day?
    Try this viral trend circulating online - compliment someone you care about...behind their back!
    Think of a heartfelt praise you could sincerely give about a loved one - how they uplifted you, something you admire. Then, text or email that sentiment to one of their friends or family members without them knowing.
    Imagine how touched they'll feel when the compliment circles back to them!
  • TASTE: Indulge in Baking Therapy & Dessert for the Soul

    From Raspberry Chocolate Heart Tarts to Pink Velvet Cupcakes to Cherry Kisses Cookies - tantalize your tastebuds with something luscious. Because roses wilt, but treating yourself with a scrumptious homemade treat is the gift of self-care that keeps on giving! Click for 75 temptations no one can resist...

Artwork: The Longing Within

Sparked by this Weekly Dose of Bliss?

Forward this newsletter to friends and family who may also be inspired by these reflections on self-love and living vibrantly.

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Our Mailing Address is: De Ghelderodelaan, 1780 Wemmel, Belgium.

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Bliss by Milady A

Permit me to be your navigator on the enchanting journey to Full Bloom Living. This isn’t merely a haven of joy, indulgence, and luxury. It’s an anthem to the authentic self, a celebration of expressive individuality, unmarred by the fear of judgment.

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